As part of the module Methods of Media and Communications Studies II within the summer semester 2022, the participants of the seminar focused on the thresholds between artistic research, media art and science. One aspect was to use tacit knowledge and the methodological competence of artists to apply these aspects in contexts other than the art system - in our case, that of science. Therefore, different audio-visual case studies as well as texts were analyzed and discussed within the seminar, in which artistic competences and working methods were sagbarcombined with scientific ones in order to generate problem-oriented new knowledge.
In order to approach the artistic process as a performative practice, text-image collages were created as a working method over the course of the semester, in which the power relations between the visible/invisible as well as the expressable/inexpressable, which were discussed within the seminar, were researched.
The collages reflect the knowledge generated within the context of the seminar units in a visual way. They give the seminar as an overall construct a subjective-pictorial expression and link the scientific and artistic processes discussed within the seminar in an exploratory way.
The process of aesthetic productivity in this exercise was inspired by the approach of the »self-organization« method. The approach was that the form of the material study - i.e. the collage - represents an ordered whole that has emergent properties due to the organization of its parts.
Emergence - in this context - means that the composition of the collage stimulates the formation of new "layers of being" that can only be derived, explained or predicted in an abstract way from the properties of the underlying level (in this case the concrete seminar content).